Friday, March 19, 2010

The Bible - Grand House Tour

I have only just discovered this and thought you might enjoy it too. 

The Bible is a beautiful palace built out of sixty six blocks of marble - its separate Books.
In the first chapter of Genesis we enter the Vestibule, which is filled with the mighty acts of Creation.  The Vestibule gives us access to the Law Courts, the five books of Moses.  Passing through these we come to the Picture Gallery of the Historical Books.  Here we find hung upon the walls scenes of battlefields, representations of heroic deeds and portraits of eminent men belonging to the early days of the world's history.  Beyond the Picture Gallery we find the Philosopher's Chamber, the Book of Job.  Passing on we enter the Music Room, the Book of Psalms where we listen to the grandest strains that ever fell on human ears.  Then we come to the Business Office, the Book of Proverbs, where right in the centre of the room stands facing us the motto: 'Righteousness exalteth a Nation: but sin is a reproach to any people.'  From the Business Office we pass into the Chapel Ecclesiastes, or The Preacher in his pulpit and thence unto the Conservatory, the Song of Solomon with the Rose of Sharon, the Lily of the Valley and all manner of fine perfumes, fruits and flowers.  Finally we reach the Observatory, the Prophets. with their telescopes fixed on near and distant stars and all directed towards the Bright and Morning Star that was soon to arise.
 Crossing the Court we come to the Audience Chamber of the King, the Gospels - where we find four lifelike portraits of the King Himself.  Next we enter the workroom of the Holy Spirit, the Acts of the Apostles and beyond that the Correspondence Room - the Epistles where we see Peter & Paul and James and Jude busy at their desks.  If you would know what they are writing about, their Epistles are open for all to study.
Before leaving we stand for a moment in the Outside Gallery, the Revelation, where we look upon some striking pictures of the judgement to come and the glories to be revealed, concluding with an awe-inspiring picture of the Throne Room of the King.  W.DUNS

from Streams in the Desert -  Volume two
from the files and unpublished writings of Mrs Charles E. Cowman 1967
from the files and unpublished writings of Mrs Charles E. Cowman 1967

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Honouring Christ

Article reprinted from Cross†Way Issue Winter 2010 No. 115
(C)opyright Church Society; material may be used for non-profit purposes provided that the source is acknowledged and the text is
not altered.
By David Phillips
We are beset by problems. Outside the Church is the collapsing nature of society as it abandons its
Christian heritage; this impacts families, the workplace, school, and the Church. At its worst is the
growing antagonism to Biblical Christianity. Inside the Church we see the fruit of theological
liberalism in false teaching, decline and immorality. Ritualism is now accepted as the norm and
much so-called evangelicalism now believes what liberals believed a generation ago.
In the midst of all this how can we honour Christ? No new advice is offered below, well known
verses are quoted as a reminder and much more could be said if space allowed.
Be Realistic
You delivered them into the hands of their enemies… they cried to you, you heard from heaven and
according to your abundant mercies you gave them deliverers… (Nehemiah 9.27)
Remember that bad though we think things are they have been far worse in the past. The pessimist
in us will therefore realise that they could therefore get far worse but that should spur us to
repentance, to faithfulness and to prayer. The optimist in us will know that God is sovereign and
will therefore realise that He can change all this and so we will be spurred to repentance, to
faithfulness and prayer. G.K. Chesterton wrote in ‘The Everlasting Man’ “At least five times, the
Faith has to all appearances gone to the dogs. In each of these five cases, it was the dog that died.”
Keep the fundamentals
Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in
Christ Jesus. (2 Timothy 1.13)
Faced by pressures of whatever sort the temptation that comes to all of us is to give in. It is easier
to flow with the current than against it and sometimes it is so tempting to stop struggling and just
drift. But, to mix the metaphor, we are called instead to “hold fast”. We have confidence to do this
because “He who promised is faithful” (Hebrews 10.23). The passage in Hebrews goes on to show
us how to “hold fast” – by continuing to meet together and continuing to stir one another up to love
and good works. Of course for some there are not many opportunities to meet together with likeminded
believers and we hope that in such situations the publications of Church Society, and
others, are a help.
Accept that false teachers will come
Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to
deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons (1 Timothy 4.1)
This might seem to be a depressing thought, but understanding it is half the battle. The greatest
damage is done by those who refuse to accept this fact and who therefore resist attempts to deal
with false teaching and false teachers. But the Lord has told us it will be so, it is within His
purposes, and so we must not be surprised. We must not stick our heads in the sand, but act as the
Lord has said. Within the Anglican Communion we have false teachers in many important
positions. The former Primate of South East Asia, Yong Ping Chung, reportedly said: “Satan has
raised up pharaohs who do not know God and has plunged them into the hierarchy of the churches
in the west.”
Be Testers
Test all things; hold fast what is good. (1 Thessalonians 5.21)
Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many
false prophets have gone out into the world. (1 John 4.1)
We should have the habit of testing what is said and done against Scripture. Some people will not
like this and will accuse us of having a critical spirit, but we should simply see it as obeying God’s
Word. It is possible to take this too far in both what we do and in our attitude but as a principle it
is vitally important.
And we mustn’t just test others but also ourselves. One of the problems the Reformation unleashed
is the tendency of private judgement to lead to novelty and error. Therefore, we should test our
own views both against Scripture but also against the wisdom of other Christians in particular those
of past generations. The magisterial reformers did this themselves, they weighed their opinions
against past generations. We can see this too, for example, in the Book of Homilies which contain
many quotes from the early Church teachers. But modern evangelicalism is prone to revelling in its
own opinions and being disparaging of past wisdom. We need the humility to accept that
sometimes, perhaps often, they were right and we are wrong. “Look to the rock from which you
were hewn” (Isa 51.1).
Thoroughly equip
All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for
correction, for instruction in righteousness, that the man of God may be complete, thoroughly
equipped for every good work. (2 Timothy 3.16-17)
There are four uses of Scripture listed here, two concern how we live and two concern what we
think or believe. Scripture shows us positively what we should do and believe and it shows us
negatively what we should not do and not believe.
Many today are fearful of being negative, they are willing to teach sound doctrine and instruct in
righteousness, but unwilling to reprove and correct. Thus people are ill equipped and are
vulnerable to false teaching and to temptation. All of us can make use of the Bible in these four
ways, but the responsibility lies on those who are called by God to teach.
When issues and errors arise in the wider Church some pastor-teachers will avoid talking of it as if
it were the plague for fear of causing division or appearing negative. Others will see their duty to
use Scripture to equip the saints.
Beloved, while I was very diligent to write to you concerning our common salvation, I found it
necessary to write to you exhorting you to contend earnestly for the faith which was once for all
delivered to the saints. (Jude 3)
Members of Church Society are expected to sign a declaration saying that they accept the 39
Articles and will contend for them. We are contenders, and we must contend for the faith. Many of
us would rather not; it would be much more pleasant to sit at home or in a cloister enjoying our
faith, but we are called to contend. We must use whatever means we have available, within what is
permitted by God, to uphold the truth and refute error. This will take many shapes and forms but it
has been a particular feature of evangelicalism that it is activist whether in politics, social issues,
education, opposing error and so on. It is something which others dislike.
There are dangers in contending. There is a danger of relying on the weapons of worldly rather
than spiritual warfare. There is the danger that we will be seduced by power and its abuses. There
is danger that we become merely factious and party-spirited, which leads into the final point.
Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in
Christ Jesus. ( 2 Timothy 1.13)
When you read this verse earlier in the article did you notice the word ‘love’ embedded in it? It is
easy to miss, and it is easy to contend for the faith, to teach and train, rebuke and correct, and miss
love, the heart of it all.
If you face error then love must be your concern: Love first for God, in that you seek to be obedient
to His commands
(Deut 11.1 etc, Jn 14.15 etc, 1 Jn 5.3 etc).
Love for your fellow believers, in the desire to protect them from error.
Love for the outsider who will be misled by error if it is not opposed.
Love for those who have erred, in the hope that they will come to their senses, repent and return to
the truth.
In all this Christ is our model for we see clearly that he did oppose error and do so forcefully, but he
also forgave his enemies and laid down his life for them.
David Phillips is General Secretary of Church Society

Thursday, March 11, 2010

How to read the BIBLE.....

My excellent assistant the Rev. Zinkoo Han recently gave a paper at a joint Cell Groups meeting.It's on our church website, ,but with so much strange interpretation going the rounds -treating Almighty God as a personal slot machine for example, I thought it was worth sharing to a wider audience:-

How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth

I confess that I stole the title from a book co-authored by one of my teachers, Dr. Douglas Stuart. It is a great book and I certainly recommend that book. The Bible is the most read book in the world, but it is also one of the most misread books in the world. The extreme example is presented in a manner of joke. One man decided to open his Bible randomly every day. Whatever attracts his eyes first is God’s word for him on that day. One day, he opened the Bible and the sentence he saw first was, “So, Judas. . .went away and hanged himself.” (Matthew 27:5). The man was puzzled so he opened the Bible again, then the following words came to his eyes. “Go and do likewise.” (Luke 10:37) He couldn’t believe that it was from God, so he opened the Bible again. He saw “What you are about to do, do quickly.” (John 13:28) That is a joke, but it makes us think. Too many times, Christians read Bible in a way that the Bible was not intended to be read.

How to Read Bible

Then, how do we read Bible? The answer is simple—just like any other book. Some people react to this comment. “Bible is a holy book, how can we read it like other books?” My answer is: yes, Bible is a holy book, but being a holy book means that its content is different from other books, not the method of reading. There is only one way of to read any book, and if Bible is written in a form of a book (or books to be more precise), it should be read in that way. What is the way that a book is read? It should be read as the author has intended. If we read Hamlet, we try to see what Shakespeare wanted to say. In the same way, we have to ask what the authors of the Bible wanted to say in each book or passage of Bible. Unfortunately, many readers of Bible (including some preachers) are not interested in finding out the authors’ intention, but mainly ask the question “What can I learn from it?” It is true that we have to ask that question at the end, but if we ask that question before finding out the author’s intention, we are likely to answer that question wrongly. In finding out the author’s intention, we have to pay attention in three important matters.

First, each book of Bible is written by a particular person with particular audience in mind. Unlike many other religious books, Bible does not claim to transcend history. On the contrary, Bible is written in very historic terms, giving clear historical background. Therefore, to read Bible correctly, it is important to know historical and situational background in which the book is written. While for many Old Testament books, it is hard to know this background precisely (we are not even sure about authors of some books), we at least have general ideas. For most New Testament books, we have more precise information. It will be a hard work to find out this information. Thankfully, scholars have done this work for us. For general readers, easy thing to do is to get a copy of a study Bible and read the introduction to each book of the Bible.

Second, we have to remember that you can understand books well when you read the whole book. It will be unwise to read only the last scene of Hamlet (without any knowledge about previous parts) and try to understand why all these people die. In order to understand a passage, you have to know what the topic of that book is and what comes before and after that passage. Usually each book of the Bible is considered one unit. There are exceptions. Each psalm is a different unit. In some parts of Proverbs, each verse should be read separately. Luke and Acts are separate units, but still sequel to each other. 1, 2 Samuel and 1,2 Kings can be considered one big unit and so are Moses’ five books. 1,2 Chronicles is definitely one book. There are other considerations, but at least it is wise to read one book together. Furthermore, in reading each passage one has to always bear in mind passages before and after.

Finally, we have to give consideration to the main theme of Bible. Bible’s theme is God’s glory and his salvation work. Many people, however, are more concerned about moral lessons of Bible than God’s glory. In other words, many are not interested about learning about God, but say, “Just tell me what I have to do.” The end result is that people read into Bible what they want to see instead of learning from Bible. We have to remember that the Bible is first and foremost teaching about God, and moral lessons are secondary.

Some Examples

Let me proceed now to some solid examples of wrong and right interpretations of Bible. (All examples are from actual teachings. I apologize that I am giving wrong examples from other people without getting their permissions. Some examples come from people I love dearly and thus I don’t want to criticize them. Yet, because I have to give actual examples I use them.) The main purpose of gospel narratives is to teach us about Jesus—who he is and what he did. When we are preoccupied with morals, however, we are not so much interested in this topic. Jesus’ miracle of five loaves and two fish (John 6:1-15) was written to show who Jesus is. He is almighty God who cares about people’s physical need. In John’s narrative, this is also an introduction to Jesus’ discourse afterwards. Many readers of Bible, however, simply ignore these facts and are more concerned about “the way to see a miracle” They would say “It was because one boy brought bread and fish that the miracle happened, so we should bring something to God as well if we want to see a miracle,” thus majoring on minor points.

It is also important to remember that each of the four gospels is one unit. It is not a collection of different reports, but one whole book, so each account should be interpreted in light of what precedes and what follows it. Luke 18 and 19 gives a perfect example. It starts with two parables about prayer, then real stories follow, each of which illustrates teachings of these parables, one way or another. The story of the blind beggar illustrates the teaching of the persistent widow as the beggar was persistent and the beggar was in socially disadvantaged position just as the widow was. However, even better illustration is shown in the case of the rich ruler and Zacchaeus. It is important to note that Luke, unlike Matthew and Mark, describes the rich man as a ruler, thus putting him in the same class as the Pharisee. Zacchaeus, on the other hand is a tax collector just like the one in the parable. Their attitudes and their ends are similar to the Pharisee and the tax collector in the parable as well. You can see why this parable was given at this particular place in Luke’s gospel. It is also important to note that Zacchaeus’ salvation is Jesus’ last act before he enters Jerusalem. We can safely say that it was the climax of Jesus ministry according to Luke’s account, then. In other words, Luke put that story at this stage of his narrative to show that Jesus’ main ministry was calling sinners to repentance.

Let’s move onto epistles. The purpose of epistles is to give some doctrinal teaching to churches in particular situations. Galatians 2:14 should be understood in that light. Paul relates his experience of chiding Peter in order to show how important the doctrine of salvation by faith is. What he said in 1:9 (“As we have already said, so I say again: If anybody is preaching to you a gospel other than what you accepted, let him be eternally condemned.”), he expresses again with a solid example. Of course, Peter did not teach another gospel in this case, and he is not eternally condemned, but even acting as if there is another gospel infuriated Paul and Paul had to correct Peter. Once, however, I heard a preacher saying that what we can learn from this passage is Paul’s courage. If we apply the rule of author’s intention here, what that preacher is saying is that Paul wrote about this incident to boast about his courage and teach us to follow his example. Certainly, that wasn’t Paul’s intention, and therefore that shouldn’t be our lesson from this passage.

When it comes to the Old Testament, such mistakes are more common. Take, for example, Genesis 34—the incident of rape of Dinah and subsequent revenge of Simeon and Levi. One preacher, in a Bible study, suggested that the lesson that one can learn is that rape and revenge were bad things. The problem with this interpretation is there is nothing in the passage that suggests that it was recorded in order to show how bad rape and revenge were. Surely, the author did not have to record this incident to teach people that rape is bad. The Old Testament history is mainly redemption history. It shows how God worked on the salvation of his people. In that light, this incident makes sense. It is a story of Jacob. Jacob was blessed by God, but he seemed to be getting into trouble all the time. This incident is just another example. When he finally came back to his homeland and thinks that he can live in peace, his sons develop enmity with the local tribe and he has to move again. The next chapter shows the result. Instead of wandering more, he seeks God. He goes back to the place where he first met God—Bethel. There he was re-assured that God was with him. The lesson that we can learn, therefore, is that God’s blessing continues even when we seem to be in trouble. There is another purpose of this passage. It shows why the tribe of Judah became a special tribe. Jacob’s first son, Reuben, committed adultery and the second and the third sons now put Jacob into trouble through revenge. Therefore, the blessing passed to the fourth son and out of the tribe of Judah comes David and our Lord Jesus Christ himself.

Let’s take another example. 2Kings 5 (Naaman’s healing) is often used to show the importance of obedience. This seems to be hardly the intention of the author. On the contrary, Naaman’s disobedient attitude seems to be spelled out as he obeyed only when his servants urged him. This incident is recorded to show God’s glory and how he brings out salvation despite human frailty (not because of human cooperation). It also points that God works miracles even among Gentiles if they come to God. This second message is in contrast to the attitude of Israelites at that time as the Kings of Israel did not trust in God. God honors those who believe him, not those who have blood relationship with Jacob.

Common mistakes
As I pointed earlier, most misinterpretation happens because of human-centeredness in interpretation. Some common forms of this can be described as moralizing, spiritualizing, and allegorizing. We gave some examples of moralizing above. We want to get moral lessons and thus miss the main point. Spiritualizing happens when we want to distinguish spiritual things with physical things. For example, when the Bible exhorts feeding the hungry (e.g. Matthew 25), a reader says, “God cannot be concerned about people’s physical needs. He must have meant, ‘feed those who hunger for God’s words. In other words, preach the gospel.” The truth is that God is also concerned about our physical well-being, and we have to take God’s words on its face value.

Allegorizing is closely related to spiritualizing. Since the very beginning of Christian era, many Christians attempted to interpret the Bible in “spiritual” ways. When they saw passages that did not seem to give spiritual lessons in their views, they looked for hidden meanings. The classic example is Origen’s interpretation of the parable of the good Samaritan. (Luke 11: 25-37) Origen couldn’t imagine that Jesus was talking about physical help to others here, so he turned it into an allegory that teaches about Jesus’ salvation. According to him, the man going down from Jerusalem to Jericho symbolizes us sinners who move from heavenly world to sinful world. Robbers, than are satanic force. The priest and the Levite symbolizes the Law, or sacrifices of the Old Testament. One cannot be saved by them, so one needs the good Samaritan, who is Jesus. Jesus saves the sinner and leaves him at the inn, which is church, and he will come back. This interpretation, of course, is far stretching and is far from the intention of the author.

Problems of Application
As mentioned earlier, one reason that many Christians misinterpret Bible is because they want to jump on to application without understanding the passage. Although that attempt is wrong, that is not saying that application is unimportant. Unless we get application, we get nothing from Bible. Therefore, once we understand the passage, we have to go on to application. Many times, applications are straightforward. For example, if the passage is about God’s greatness, application is that we praise his greatness. If the passage is about God’s love for us, application is that we enjoy that love and thank God. If it is a warning to us, we take that warning and are careful.

There are some passages, however, that it is hard to draw application, especially in the Old Testament. For example, passages that prophesy doom of certain cities. What is the application for us? The application is that we take the similar warning and examine our own sins. The most difficult part is the Old Testament Law. The moral laws are easy as they still apply to us. The governing laws have some application as they give principles of justice. Although we don’t have to and can’t apply them directly to our governments, we can still apply principles to our society. The most difficult part is the sacrificial laws (which also include laws of purification and diet). We should not offer sacrifices any more as Jesus is our once and for all sacrifice. What do we get out of these sacrificial laws, then? There are two important applications. One is that Jesus completed all these sacrifices. When we say Jesus is our sacrifice, we mean that he is all these sacrifices—he is our burnt offering, our guilt offering, our sin offering, our peace offering, and our special offerings. By examining the sacrificial laws, we will have a better understanding of what Jesus did for us. Secondly, the sacrificial laws show God’s holiness and what God requires from his people. Through these laws, we can learn what reverence we should have of God. We have to learn that God’s love is not at the expense of his holiness and learn to revere God.

Throughout the history, Bible has been misinterpreted. In fact, misinterpretation is so common that we easily get used to misinterpretation. By the grace of God, usually these misinterpretations do not affect basic Christian doctrines. That does not mean, however, that misinterpretations are OK. Bible is a great book; the more you get out of it, the more it will change your lives. Therefore, it is very important to interpret the Bible correctly.

Unfortunately, most of us are so used to wrong interpretive methods that it is hard to correct them. I was used to them and for last twenty years have tried to correct them, but still make mistakes at times. The fact that most examples I used come from preachers show that it is difficult even for preachers to get out of this habit. Nevertheless, it can be done and we should strive for it. It is a hard work, but it is definitely a rewarding work.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Words of LIFE: Can You Really Please God?

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Can You Really Please God?
By John Bevere

"We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God
It was all given to us by God's own power." (2 Peter 1:3, CEV)

When it comes to pleasing God, the big question is, "Can we do it?"

Do we have what it takes to make Him smile? Can we who live in an imperfect world, bring a perfect God delight?

My early years of ministry were focused on teenagers. As a youth pastor, I learned so much about parenting and family dynamics. One thing I repeatedly observed that broke my heart was how some young people just couldn't please their parents. No matter what they did or how hard they tried, these kids didn't measure up to their parents' (most often the father's) expectations.

I soon discovered a pattern. These frustrated young people would keep attempting to please, but eventually, after repeated failures, they gave up and spiraled downward to a careless and loose life. Disillusioned, they felt hopeless. If the parents had given their children more positive feedback, many train wrecks could have been avoided.

How about our heavenly Father? Can we actually please Someone who is flawless? Hear the apostle Peter:

"We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was all given to us by God's own power." (2 Peter 1:3, CEV)

There's our answer – we have everything it takes to live a life that pleases our heavenly Father. So from the outset, settle this in your heart and don't ever let this knowledge slip away. God is the One who spoke these words through Peter. His Word is true and unchangeable. Never at any time accept the lie that you don't have what it takes to please God.

Many believers look at certain Christians, especially great leaders, and think they could never measure up or be as delightful in the eyes of God as the apostle John, the apostle Paul, Billy Graham, Oral Roberts, Mother Theresa or anyone else they admire. The truth is that no one has any more ability to please God than you.

With that said, I want you never to forget this statement either: You have the ability to please God, but it is up to you to utilize the power and live it out.

God expects us to be faithful in what He has given us, and He doesn't empower each child equally. Oh, how great it would be if believers firmly understood this truth. This is made clear in the parable of the talents. One servant was given five talents, another was given two, and still another was given one.  Scripture specifically states that we are entrusted with gifts "to each in proportion to his own personal ability." (Matthew 25:15) Each servant in the parable had different levels of abilities. In considering this we must also always keep in mind Paul's words:

"Who made you superior to others? Didn't God give you everything you have? Well, then, how can you boast, as if what you have were not a gift?" (1 Corinthians 4:7, TRV)

We must always pay attention to what has been given us by God. A person's ability to write, teach, preach, sing, compose music, design, manage, organize, lead, interact well with people, and so forth is a gift given by God. If I keep that in mind, it guards me from the deadly trap of pride or envy – pride in thinking that I'm better than others, envy in coveting what another person has.

Returning to the parable of the talents, the man who was given five talents labored diligently and finished with ten. The man given two talents worked just as diligently but ended up with only four. Even though the first man ended up with six more talents than the other (far better results), both were rewarded equally. You can hear the pleasure in their master's voice:

"Wonderful," his master replied. "You are a good and faithful servant. I left you in charge of only a little, but now I will put you in charge of much more. Come and share my happiness!" (Matthew 25:21 or 23, CEV)

Notice the unusual scripture reference here – verse 21 or 23. The two verses are identical. I don't believe this is an accident. God is emphasizing a very important point: verse 21 was for the man who gained ten; verse 23 was for the man who finished with four, less than half the first man's total. Yet the master's delight and pleasure for both servants was identical. Jesus says:

"If God has been generous with you, he will expect you to serve him well. But if he has been more than generous, he will expect you to serve him even better." (Luke 12:48, CEV)

If you compare yourself with an admired leader, family member or friend, then you may come up short. The fact is, God probably gave that person more gifts, more ability, more talents than you. (Romans 12:3-6)

You were perfectly created by God to function in the kingdom and have the gifts and abilities to fulfill your specific assignments. So in regard to what we have, we cannot compare our measured results with others. However, in regard to what we do with what we have, we will be judged, and in this we bring pleasure, or a lack of it, to our heavenly Father.

Let me say it another way. If the two-talent servant had compared his two gifts with the one who had five talents, he would have fallen short. However, both servants doubled what they started with. They were equally faithful with what they had been given and equally delighted their master.

This Week
Thank God for the gifts and abilities with which he has blessed you and ask him to show you how to further utilize them in such a way that brings him pleasure.

"God, thank you for being so generous with the gifts and abilities you have given me. Help me to diligently use them for your glory and pleasure. In Jesus' name, Amen."    


Adapted from Extraordinary: The Life You're Meant to Live by John Bevere, available with your gift toward Mission: Water for LIFE. Join John and Lisa Bevere this Monday and Tuesday on LIFE Today.

Editors: Michelle Brown, Randy Robison



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