I come from a tradition where the making of the sign of the cross by worshippers is rare. At the Good Friday service troday our Vicar, Mark made reference to it as part of the general talk on the cross for Good Friday and he asked me about the Orthodox way of making the sign of the cross. I could not quite recall what I had read- but had re-found the article and here is the relevant part. It does seem to me that if you are going to use such a symbol that it does need to be done properly and with and undsertanidng of the meaning. Here's the quote:

first and second fingers of our right hand together, representing
the Three Persons or Hypostases of the Holy Trinity. Next, we
fold the fourth and fifth fingers against our palm, representing
the two Natures of Christ, Who came down from Heaven to the
earth, in order to save mankind. Holding our right hand in this
way, we touch the tips of the three fingers to our forehead, our
abdomen, the right shoulder, and the left shoulder. We then put
our hand down to the side of our body.
Properly executed—and one should be careful to make it
slowly and with care—the Sign of the Cross has tremendous
spiritual power. This is because we are not only affirming our
faith in Christ’s Sacrifice on the Cross at Golgotha, but confirming
our belief in the Holy Trinity and the Human and Divine
Natures of Christ, that is, the basic dogmas of the Orthodox
The Sign of the Cross was such an integral part of Christian
life in the Early Church, that few direct references can be found
in the literature of the Early Church. It was an oral, living tradition
which every Christian took for granted, much like Holy
The whole article is here: http://orthodoxinfo.com/praxis/guidech1.pdf